Adventures with My Wife # 1

They say writing can be a cathartic process, so I’m going to start using this blog, among other purposes, to find out how cathartic it can be with regard to my marriage.

As regular readers know, my wife Kathy and I recently celebrated our 30th wedding anniversary. She’s quite a remarkable woman, and in more ways than just intelligence and romance. She has the wherewithal to shape her surrounding universe to adjust to her specific needs. I would like to share some of these experiences with you and find out what you think of them.

Kathy and I use the same wonderful family doctor, but usually at different times and for different purposes. I had scheduled a visit with the doctor this morning at 9 a.m. to review a minor health problem. The doctor’s office called me at 8:30 today to tell me that the doctor could not be in his office this morning; could we reschedule for tomorrow at 4:3o p.m.? I said that would be fine.

Unbeknownst to me, Kathy had already been down the road less traveled and had previously made her own appointment for 3:30 p.m. today — and that made all the difference.

At about 3 p.m. today, I was sitting and reading in my man cave, when Kathy suddenly called out, “Steve, I need to work late tomorrow — how about we switch our appointments?” Mind you, she hadn’t even checked with our doctor’s office yet to find out if it could be done. And of course, she really wasn’t asking me whether it was okay with me; she was merely confirming, by way of a question, that this was about to take place.

I told Kathy that I frankly didn’t have the nerve to call the doctor and make such a request — as though this observation of my own feebleness was enough to keep the event from happening.

Sure enough, a couple of minutes later, Kathy confirmed that she had called the doctor’s office, and they had approved her request. (A couple of minutes after that, she said to me, “Now, do you know what you have to do?” I said, “Yes. In a few minutes, I need to leave for the doctor’s office, possibly never to come back.”)

This startling paradox between the two of us will forever leave me shaking my head. I can’t even trust a cashier at McDonald’s take-out window to get my order correct. Yet Kathy calls up busy medical offices and makes them bend to her heed.

Kathy is more than just my partner in marriage. She should be the subject of an anthropological study.

One thought on “Adventures with My Wife # 1

  1. marriage… it always amazes me how two people from gendered so diverse can find ways or things to work due to our differences that compliment one another. My wife and I are together for 9 years going strong and our lives are quite similar to yours!

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